About Fairbanks Queer Collective

Fairbanks Queer Collective is a volunteer-led grassroots organization that focuses on building safe LGBTQIA2S+ inclusive spaces through community partnerships, uplifting queer joy & wellness, community education, positive youth mentorship and leadership training, and LGBTQ2+ rights advocacy.

The founding of FQC was catalyzed by the increasingly threatening political atmosphere where queer and trans people continue to be the subject of violent legislation and the social animosity that it brews. Our mission is to provide spaces free of this violence so that our community can not just survive, but thrive.

Our Current Projects Include:

○ Fairbanks Queer Youth Council

∙GSA Network Building & Support

∙Youth Leadership & Mentorship

∙Peer Education

  & Free Fun Sober Youth Events for Queer Joy!

○ Quarterly free queer legal clinic & legal fund

○ Reoccurring Free Family-Friendly Events

Volunteer Outreach

Queer Winter Gatherings

Annual PRIDE Events

Gender Euphoria Party

Rainbow Picnic

Camp Queer


Long Term Goals:

LGBTQIA2S+ Community Resource Center(with paid staff)

Free Queer Closet

LGBTQIA2S+ Friendly community resources & referrals

Narcan training & supplies

LGBTQIA2S+ Organization & Business Allyship training

Weekly Therapeutic Peer Support Groups

Wellness & Queer Joy opportunities

Queer-Friendly Meeting Space

○ Queer Health & Wellness Fair

Community Partnerships to expand LGBTQIA2S+ resources and safe spaces

Indigequeer Retreat

Fairbanks Queer Youth Conference

We intentionally operate on the principles of community care, open communication, transparency, respect and empowerment. We are a non-hierarchical group of local queers who have equal value and voice. 

Our co-founders help to guide our effort while also giving space to our community members to lead their own projects and events with our support.

FQC is open to anyone who would like to be involved in various capacities. Join our facebook volunteer group here to get involved!